What if your brand was a movie?
Get the In-Store Experience Right with the Right Soundtrack
Music is a powerful thing. Influencing your customers' behavior to drive your business requires a soundtrack to be curated like a production film's soundtrack. Every ebb and flow matching the emotion and environment you are striving to achieve.
Reach your goals with innovative and in-budget solutions with Ambiance iQ.
Drive your goals through the right soundtrack
It is no surprise that many movies use music to evoke feelings from the audience. Music can tell a story within itself, so choose carefully when selecting the soundtrack for your project.
Due to the emotional influence, music has on the brain, tapping into this powerful source of emotional impact can change brand perception, improve customer satisfaction, and even boost employee morale.
Hear the Difference
Wrong Music
Courtesy of Loud Son
Without Music
Courtesy of Loud Son
The Impact is black and white
While this is seen as a drastic, hyperbole scenario, neuroscience tells us the subconscious triggers used are very much the same and the impact is just as damaging.
The Right Soundtrack
Courtesy of Loud Son
Music is one of the most powerful tools to influence customers. It's so impactful it's used in everything from movies to medicinal therapy.
But pressing play to a shuffled playlist isn't going to produce the RESULTS you want. In fact, it could be the opposite of what you want and subconsciously scare your customers away.
Ready to see what music can do for your brand?
Unlike the traditional methods, we combine neuroscience, with technology and expertise to create a comprehensive experience.
As a Cornell University partner, we develop our programs using over four decades of neuroscience research to influence consumers through demographic and physiographic data.
Unit-Level Customization
We customize every single store by the hour. For our customers, it's not a playlist on shuffle. It's a soundtrack matched to the ebbs and flows of each store.
Retail Designed Solutions
One-size-does not fit all. Custom programs for each solution designed for retail and for your brand across each individual location.
Trusted Partner
Constant, nationwide support for installations and fixes. In fact, our Net Promoter (NPS) score is 7x higher than our counterparts.
Ready to Maximize Your Campaigns?
Drop us a line to talk to one of our Experience Architects.
We've done the research ourselves and when we ONLY change the music to a neuro-science approach, HERE are the results.
Increase Customer Satisfaction by 15%
Reduce CRITICISM by 17%
Increase overall experience by nearly 10%
Percieve faster and friendlier service
Believe product/service was better
Don't believe us?
Try our RISK-FREE pilot.
We wouldn't want you to just take our word for it.
ALERT: 95% of customers migrate to us once they experience the iQ difference through our pilot program.
Got Questions?
Drop a line to one of our specialists for questions.
Want to know more about how music influences the brain?
Watch a TED Talk by Dr. Robert Zatorre: From Perception to Pleasure: How Music Changes the Brain
Dr. Zatorre is James McGill University's chair holder in Neuroscience. He is the founding co-director of the international laboratory for Brain, Music, and Sound research (BRAMS), a unique multi-university consortium with state-of-the-art facilities dedicated to the cognitive neuroscience of music.
THE Ambiance iQ Experience
Experience the iQ difference. Get in touch with our sensory specialist to evolve your customer experience.